Official Site of Califon, New Jersey 908-832-7850

39 Academy St. 
Califon, NJ 07830  
(908) 832-7850  

Thursday, April 18th at 7:00 pm Council Meeting – Adoption of Ordinances 2024-02 and 2024-03

April 10, 2024

Califon is a Tier A MSA Permit Holder

In 2023, the NJDEP reassigned all Tier B municipalities to Tier A, a designation under the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit program. 

Califon is one of the one hundred and one municipalities that had been operating under the Tier B permit and now must transition to Tier A.  The need for additional protections from pollutants discharged into our waterways is why this new mandate exists. This change will require Califon to amend its existing Stormwater Control Ordinance, develop a Watershed Improvement Plan, conduct mapping of all MS4 Stormwater infrastructures (Storm Catchers/ Drains), increase street sweeping, requiring municipalities to finish storm drain inlet retrofits, to name a few.

In addition, the following ordinances must also be adopted:

2024-02 State Mandated Tier A Ordinance

2024-03 – Stormwater Control Ordinance

The Governing Body and clerk have been working with the Borough Engineer to begin the roll out of many of these regulations. On March 7th the Council will be discussing the above ordinances at the 7:00 pm Council meeting. We hope to be able to introduce these ordinances at the following meeting with the adoption to take place on April 18th.

You can follow along with our progress, by visiting our STORMWATER web page located in the center white block on our website home page (click here to view it

We will also be providing educational outreach programs and information that will focus on pollution prevention activities and things we can all doe to reduce pollutants in stormwater runoff. 


Last modified: April 10, 2024

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